Baby Girls

All About Adult Baby Girls
by Poppie

Adult Baby Girls or Baby Girls are grown women who like to let their inner child make appearances in their day to day life.   Adult Baby Girls are often not found far from their “Daddies” who are their boyfriends or husbands that take on the role of caregiver for their baby girls.   The idea of Baby Girls may sound silly or may seem demeaning however this is the furthest from the truth.  I personally know several baby girls that hold very high level executive level roles in major corporations, yet when it comes to life outside of work, they dress up in frilly pajamas, color, play dolls and eat giant lollipops while loving to push their boundaries with their Daddies.

Most Adult Baby Girls are in Great Long Term Relationships

At first glance to the average person will see this role and think it is ridiculous.  I would argue that these relationships are very stable and allow the participants in these relationships to reach great success in life.   There is an entire branch of Psychology dedicated to the the thoughts of an inner child, and many therapies are created as a result of people stuffing their inner child and not fulfilling the basic needs of their inner child.    This is really what being an Adult Little Girl is all about.

 Baby Girl Activities

While often linked to more naughty elements of the relationship, Baby Girls will likely focus on things that kids like to do versus more grown up things.    You will find littles partaking in crafts, and don’t be surprised if they love to scrapbook (a perfectly normal grown up activity that allows coloring and cutting and pasting).   They will also enjoy watching those awesome Teenage after school shows instead of more serious dramas.   Sleep overs, group outings to malls, and other teenage activities are often high on their list of things too do.

How to Spot a Baby Girl Even During a Board Meeting

Just like many dominant/submissive relationships as a “daddy” you can begin to pick up on little tendencies in day to day life.   It may be a subtle snack  like teddy grahams, or fish crackers instead of a granola bar.   They may put peanut butter on their celery and cut the crust off their sandwiches.    All subtle hints and their preferences that may not be accepted in their mainstream environment.    You may notice a preference for specific characters, like Hello Kitty, Care Bears or Betty Boop, or even brightly colored fingernails, or even mismatching socks which is also cool with the kids these days.    You will see a subtle preference for people who might seem to take control of the situation, or offer advice in an authoritative manner.  When playing sports, you might see Pig Tails versus a traditional pony tail or single braid. But sometimes the biggest indication is the language they use when describing their interests or relationships.

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