D/s 101

~Definitions and Guidelines ~
Put together by Vae

Daddy - A Daddy Dom is first and foremost a Dominant. His choice is to be a
Daddy Dom, this does not mean incest (as has been said in the past by
ignorant people) rather a Daddy Dom is One who cares for, nurtures, shapes,
and molds his babygirl into the image He thinks she should become. He sees
in her someone who can achieve a much higher, much greater status. He often
times believes more in her, than she believes in herself.

Service Top (Dominant/Master) - Top follows instructions, i.e., he "tops"
the Bottom according to the Bottom's desires and in a way the Bottom
expressly requires. A Top only having apparent control, while he in reality
is conforming the instructions given by the Bottom,

Dominant Top (Dominant/Master) - Top controlling his submissive partner by
using physical or psychological techniques during the session or in
lifestyle. If desired, the Top can even instruct the submissive partner to
exercise temporary control.

Babygirl - At first glance to the average person will see this role and
think it is ridiculous.  I would argue that these relationships are very
stable and allow the participants in these relationships to reach great
success in life.   There is an entire branch of Psychology dedicated to the
the thoughts of an inner child, and many therapies are created as a result
of people stuffing their inner child and not fulfilling the basic needs of
their inner child.    This is really what being an Adult Little Girl is all

Bottom (sub) - submissives range anywhere from slaves who wish complete
control to playtime only subs,  to subs who misbehave to get attention.
While there is a wide variety of submissives,  the common thread is needing
to have another control them to some extent.

Switch - Some BDSM practitioners "switch", meaning they play either or both
roles, Top or Bottom, depending on the actual session's setting. They may
practice this within one specific session or take these different roles in
different sessions with the same or different partners.

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